The Wicked Hitch

Strut! Songs to Get You On The Good Foot

how to get on the good foot

I don’t know about you, but the Universe has been kicking me in the ass on the regular, and I’ve spent so much time moping around the house that I’m good and damn tired of myself. Time to get off the figurative couch, get out in the world, and strut my stuff, right? Absolutely!

But…but…this couch is so comfy, and the world is so scary, and I’m just not sure that I’m feeling up to it. Maybe after some more cake…

As you can see, I just might need a little pep talk to pull off that whole “getting on the good foot” business. Luckily for me, nothing motivates me more effectively than music. So I dove into my stacks of tunes and stayed there for a while. Like since December. I was trying to have this ready for the New Year, but here we are – in late April. Yeah, sometimes motivation takes little longer than you want. But slowly and steadily, I’ve pulled together tunes that make me want to get out there and show the world just what’s what. And I think they can help you, too.

If you’re finding yourself laid low, drop this batch of songs on the box and strut – even if it’s just around the house. This list has cumulative healing powers. The more I listen to it, the stronger I feel. Soon you’ll be strutting out the door and into life.

Because you’re a beautiful thing, baby. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

The Tunes

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