The Floral Ghost

Halloween is one of those holidays that I enjoy, but I was the kinda kid who would wait ’til the last minute on the costume and end up wearing an old floral sheet with eyes cut out. My neighborhood was also short on other kids, so besides a few pumpkins, it was a quiet night on our street. But my best friend’s dad would pick us up and drive us over to the fancier ‘hoods, where there were loads of kids, and we’d come back with pillowcases bursting with candy. For many years, it was one of the best nights of my life.

Halloween Treats

While I gotten away from even trying with a costume, I still love to eat candy and exclaim over the little kids wearing an old sheet. We carve a couple of pumpkins and say we’ll try harder next year, seeing as our current neighborhood is Halloween central, but we’re kinda lazy.  Many of my pals are really tuned into Halloween, and it’s great fun to see everyone get all kinds of creative with it. My main contribution to the festivities is the humble playlist.
I try to do a new one for Halloween every year, but it didn’t make the task list this year. However, I couldn’t let you down when it comes to cool tunes. Here’s a remix of playlists from All-Hallow’s Eve Past to help get all those zombies on the dance floor.
Happy Halloween!

Musical Candy