I listen quite a bit to a radio station out of Minneapolis, and they’ve introduced me to some awesome local music. The Twin Cities has a lively music scene, and a lot of interesting hip-hop has been coming out of there. Atmosphere has been on the scene since the early 90’s and has put out a number of records. This track comes from Fishing Blues, which was released in 2016.

Now, I normally don’t dig these guys that much; I’ve always thought they were okay, but every now and again they say something that I connect with, and that’s why this is Today’s Spin.

This song is all about the bad choices one makes, and how much humans enjoy watching icons fuck up. I get the whole “woke up in a lawn chair” image, because I lived a lot of variations on that theme. I think we can all appreciate our ability to do dumb things that make no sense when viewed in the cold hard light of day.

So if you’re just waking up on Sunday afternoon after a Saturday night that you mostly don’t remember, this song is for you.
